How to find a good java software development company


Mahipal Nehra


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Publish Date

08 Apr 2020

How to find a good java software development company? Java development company India. Java web application development company India. hire developers.

How to find a good java software development company

How to find a good java software development company? Java software development has been in operations for almost 3 decades yet it is evolving. The exorbitant amounts of digital marketing campaigns run by software development companies have made it even more difficult to find a good java software development company. Even if you seek out the guidance and interview questions that will allow you to filter out a good java software development company, the search engines will bombard you with web pages of these software development service providers and ours might appear in it as well.

How to find a good java software development company?

Since you might not know which stones to turn up for finding the right software development company as your partner so we have taken an initiative to help you with knowledge of questions to be asked in your exploration.

The questions to be asked in quest should be as follows:

Why do you believe in java software development?

  1. Java is a goliath in software development and it is almost everywhere.

  2. Java has a huge community such that I can say probably every developer in this world knows java from little to a massive extent.

  3. Java has Rich API

  4. Java is platform-independent.

  5. Java has code libraries (paid and open source) for every kind of software.

  6. Java has excellent development, build and deployment tools (Eclipse, NetBeans, Maven, Gradle, Apache Ant, Jenkins, etc.).

  7. Java supports multithreading.

  8. Java is object-oriented.

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In short, java software development can be done at a much faster pace by leveraging the existing code libraries, already built tools, and some integrations. You must be well aware of that popular saying that “Time is money” fits perfectly here in this scenario.

Which java frameworks you have used to till date?

Spring Boot is the most popular framework and advanced java framework, if they know it that’s great. You should also check whether they have worked with ORM tools like hibernate which is usually tagged as a java framework. More the java frameworks they have used broader will be their understanding level.

Which architectural patterns and styles you know?

Writing code is similar to constructing a building where without good architecture you will keep on running into problems. If you choose the wrong architectural style it will become extremely difficult to make fixes and extend your current project. Bigger the project is more should be the focus of designing and maintaining a good architectural style.

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There are many recognized architectural patterns and styles, among them:

  1. Blackboard

  2. Client-server (2-tier, 3-tiern-tiercloud computing exhibit this style)

  3. Component-based

  4. Data-centric

  5. Event-driven (or implicit invocation)

  6. Layered (or multilayered architecture)

  7. Microservices architecture

  8. Monolithic application

  9. Peer-to-peer (P2P)

  10. Pipes and filters

  11. Plug-ins

  12. Reactive architecture

  13. Representational state transfer (REST)

  14. Rule-based

  15. Service-oriented

  16. Shared nothing architecture

  17. Space-based architecture

Designing architecture is a crucial job that’s why java developers with 10 or more years of experience are supposed to do this job. Always try to find out whether the java software development company you are interviewing is aware of these concepts, if they don’t know any of these concepts then you will know how mature they are in this field.

Are you familiar with code design patterns?

Code design patterns deal with how code is being written at a granular level within the chosen architectural style. For example, the architect has made the blueprint and building is being built accordingly but this blueprint doesn’t tell you which materials to use, you might have to choose between normal concrete and reinforced concrete. The granular requirements are totally dependent on the use case and scale of the software at which it will be used.

For more detail on the design, patterns click here

Have you worked on DevOps?

DevOps concept was introduced in 2010 to improve the agile software development process by saving the overhead costs and reducing the problem occurrence. In short DevOps infrastructure deals with almost every kind of failure that can occur in a software development process i.e. failure of developer’s system, code quality and dependency failure, server failure and lots of other stuff.

"What does DevOps actually do?"

DevOps is intended to be a cross-functional mode of working where development, testing, and delivery process is highly dependent on tools. DevOps engineers deal with the following processes:


Code development, review, source code management tools, and code merging


continuous-integration tools and build status ongoing as well as previous deployments.


Automated continuous testing tools which provide quick and timely feedback on business risks


Maintaining artifact repository and application pre-deployment staging


Software change management, release approvals and release automation


infrastructure configuration and management

infrastructure as code tools


software performance monitoring, end-user experience monitoring

DevOps automation is achieved by repackaging platforms, systems, and applications into reusable building blocks through the use of technologies such as virtual machines and containerization. DevOps automation is heavily dependent on tools that are required to cover different areas of the systems development lifecycle (SDLC):

  1. Infrastructure as code

  2. CI/CD

  3. Test automation

  4. Containerization

  5. Orchestration

  6. Software deployment

  7. Software measurement

Why do you think DevOps should be used in java software development?

DevOps is a concept that promotes agility so we should use it not only in java software development but in every project that’s operational. On the grounds of cost, DevOps should only be used in those projects where the cost of building DevOps infrastructure is equivalent to a fraction of the project’s cost. In short, don’t use it for projects like simple static websites.

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Do you know about agile software development?

Software development is a complex process and the projects often result in failures due to misguided development. Agile software development is a set of principles and project management practices that curbs the software development process on the desired correct path.

Have you worked in an agile software development environment?

As agile software development is a set of principles and practices anyone can read a book to learn about it. The real problem that we all have faced in our life is that theory and real-world practices work in a different way, it has been often observed that real-world experience is much more impactful than theoretical knowledge.

What practices do you perform for quality control in java software development projects?

The practices to control quality in java software development initiates at writing the first line of code with code linters that are used in IDEs such that the developer doesn’t break the conventional coding rules of that framework or language.

Next comes in line is unit test cases that are written by java developers to run the tests on their code with static data to check whether this code will work with the existing implementation.

Quality gates, code coverage tools, and build tools to check the code quality, code dependencies before deploying the shipped code on the testing environment. On failure to any test that code will be sent back to the developer for improvements.  

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Thorough testing procedures (Performance, Stress, Load, security, and API testing, etc.) are implemented by quality analysts on this code. The code is shipped to the next stage on passing these tests and in case of failure, they are sent back to java developers for improvements with suggestions.

Integration testing is done before merging it to the bigger chunk of feature and then regression testing is done before merging it into existing implementation.

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Although it was not possible to cover everything in one blog we have tried to so with brief content and wiki links if you want to dig deeper into these concepts. We hope this blog could somehow help you in finding you a good java software development company.

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