8 Cool Web Design Trends in 2020


Mahipal Nehra


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Publish Date

15 Jun 2020

Minimalist Web Design and dark themes are popular top 8 cool web design trends in 2020 that are being adopted by many web applications.

8 Cool Web Design Trends in 2020

When it comes to web design, we are always biased towards choosing the right colour scheme. Well, that was of utmost importance back in the days and is still relevant today. However, it is not the only thing that web designers focus on. The dark mode has been trending for the last couple of years and has been a top web design trend because everybody wants it so badly that even WhatsApp had to roll out the dark mode. There is nothing special about the dark mode, it is just a black theme but the spontaneous demand from the users made many web applications to shift their design to integrate that web design trend. In order to stay in the race and not losing users, your web apps theme should also be updated from time to time. You might have noticed that Gmail, YouTube, and Twitter keep doing that.

Top 8 web design trends in 2020

In this article, we will see some of the top 8 cool web design trends in 2020 that many web apps are adopting.

  • Single Colour Theme Web Design
  • Full-Screen Forms Web Design
  • Motion UI Web Design
  • Dark Mode Web Design
  • Typography in Web Design
  • 3D Graphics in Web Design
  • A little more whitespace in web design
  • Minimalist Web Design

1. Single Colour Theme Web Design

A website looks awesome when it has touches of different colour schemes. Web design trends change and what once was considered monotonous and dull is being preferred by web designers and clients. You can pick up one colour and based on its shades, design the whole website. Single colour theme is being popularized as a web design trend in 2020 and you should take a look at them. 

2. Full-Screen Forms Web Design

Full-Screen Forms are just a way to break the repetitiveness. Everyone wants a form that is small and concise and web design trends do not always remain the same. In 2020, Full-Screen Forms are being preferred over other designs.

3. Motion UI Web Design

Using CSS animations and transition, a phenomenal website can be created. Over the years motion design has become a very popular web design trend. The soothing animation when the page loads and when the user hovers over page elements tells a lot about the company’s brand. Also, a user would stay longer on your web site just to check the amazing transitions that happen. 

Read: "Top 8 Web development trends to watch"

4. Dark Mode Web Design

Dark Mode is being adopted by every web app and mobile app. Users love dark mode. If your application has a dark mode feature, chances are high that the user will switch on to it immediately. Dark Mode is one of the most popular web design trends. One reason is that it is soothing for the eyes and no matter how bright the screen is, it does not bother the majority of users unlike other themes. There are plenty of web apps and mobile apps that have integrated a dark mode feature. One example is YouTube and the other is Twitter. Twitter has gone even further by providing users with other shades of dark theme.

Read: "Top 8 technology trends in 2020"

5. Typography in Web Design

Apart from colours, themes, and layouts, there is another feature of a web app that is seeking the attention for web designers is typography. If you want your users to focus on the website contents and some parts of the application, choosing the right design for typography is important and therefore you would see this feature as a web design trend in 2020 as well. 

6. 3D Graphics in Web Design

When it comes to games, videos and the movie industry, 3D graphics are used to create that awesome experience for their viewers. The use of 3D design is being popularised in the web industry as well. And over the years it has become quite a popular web design trend. It is just not using 3D graphics, but you can sense the motion design in action as well. Even if you were not interested in the product or contents of it, you will surely stay on that web site for a longer time. Also, chances are high that you would want to explore every part of it.

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7. A little more whitespace in web design

Medium is a popular website where you can find all sorts of contents. It is a very popular website and has a very simple user interface. One of the main reasons for its success is its simplicity, the website is quite clean and not messy, unlike other blogging sites. It has a lot of white spaces. Medium has been around for quite a while and has this design since the beginning and because of its popularity, more and more blogging websites are adopting this web design trend (whitespace theme) similar to that of Medium. One advantage of having such a look is that it looks less distractive and users tend to read more blogs compared to other fancy blogging websites.

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8. Minimalist Web Design

In 2020, we may see websites focusing more on voice scripts and visuals as there is a population that is using wearable devices as well. In the coming years, there might sufficient users of wearable devices that companies will have to rethink of targeting those customers as well. This web design trend is yet to take a boom but when it does web designers will have to focus more on icons and graphics along with voice scripts as texts would not make much sense for such a small screen. Just to clear things out, minimalist design is not a new thing, it has been on the web for a long time. But talking in terms of trend, wearable devices are going to popularise this web design trend sooner than we think. 

Read: "Top 10 Web Development Trends That will be in Demand"

In following the web design trends, one thing designers should keep in mind that not to overdo things. If you try and adopt every web design trend, your web application may start to look completely different from its actual theme. Complete remodification is not a bad thing as long as it is for the company’s own good. However, the point is it should be rolled out somewhat slowly so that users do not find it hard to be comfortable with it. So, that is it for this article, go ahead and try out the ongoing trends in your website.

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